Eigen value

  • 网络特征值;本征值;固有值
Eigen valueEigen value
  1. Analyzing the procedure of processing algorithm , we found out that they only need computation of maximum eigen value and corresponding eigenvector .


  2. In this paper by using cartan matrix , a method for calculating the scalar product of the weights of the elementary representation for semi - simple Lie algebra is presented , and from this , the eigen value of the second Casimir operator is worked out .


  3. The New Solution Method of Eigen Value and Application on Semi-Analytical Approach


  4. An improved zero eigen value method for point of collapse


  5. Plate and flow parameters have a great impact on the Eigen value of the system .


  6. Vibration eigen value s of structures with uncertain boundary restrict stiffness


  7. On Eigen value Problem of Singular Control


  8. Sub-Critical Eigen Value Problems for Elliptic System with Splitting Coefficient


  9. The Application of Extrapolation of FEM to the Eigen Value Problems of Waveguide


  10. The problem of inertia tensor and its eigen value


  11. Boundary Condition and Dominant Eigen value


  12. The eigen value analysis and simulation show that the controller can provide enough dampings in many operating conditions .


  13. Firstly , eigen value buckling was carried out to predict the buckling mode and critical load .


  14. The Eigen Value Equation of Energy for Fibonacci Superlattice


  15. The largest eigen value on trees


  16. The traditional procedure of conic fitting utilizes the standard Eigen Value Decomposition ( EVD ) algorithm .


  17. The camera intrinsic matrix with five parameters is obtained through eigen value decomposition of the infinite homography matrix .


  18. And the complex mode method is based on two variable replacements which get the complex eigen value problem changed formally into a real one .


  19. The eigen value method of matrix analysis technique is applied to the cars with all the suspension elements being linear change and with cone treads .


  20. The paper simulates the proposed beamforming method and basing on eigen value method , and the simulation results show that the proposed method has the better system performs .


  21. With the use of non-linear power system model and numerical calculation based on the Runge-Kutta method , simulation figure is drawled and eigen value is calculated .


  22. The τ spectrum is studied by simulation data to analyze the effect of formation water salinity , porosity and oil saturation on the eigen value of thermal neutron life .


  23. The sum of the four principal components in the paper could explain 60 % of the total variation , and the Eigen value of each principal component was 1 .


  24. A HSV model based method which has been used for discerning feature objects and capturing the coordinate of their center using H-parameter Eigen value has been achieved .


  25. The image sequence is acquired by a single camera . The camera intrinsic matrix with five parameters is obtained through eigen value decomposition of the infinite homography matrix .


  26. We do an in-depth research on various indexes of the covariance , building a covariance matrix , find failure by detection of matrix main Eigen value and the unusual circumstances of main Eigen value .


  27. This algorithm uses the statistics of the received signal , the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigen value of the auto covariance matrix of the received signal is approximately equal to the steering vector of the target signal source .


  28. Referring to the ways to confirm the piles Eigen value of horizontal bearing capacity in related regularities and standards , we can work out the contribution of protection wall upon the horizontal bearing capacity of piles is 12.21 % . 3 .


  29. It is given the confidence lower limit of the bearing capacity average of a foundation ( single pile ) under given confidence using an analysis ; and a probability analysis is also done for the safety of the eigen value taken according to a static load test .


  30. New Algorithm on the Eigen - value Problem for the Pipe-Line in High Speed Machine
